Food groups – General comments
Foods which meet the criteria of the «Regulations for voluntary labelling of foods with the Keyhole Symbol of 17 June 2009, no. 665» are exempted from the prohibition on marketing aimed at children.
When assessing whether products fall within the self-regulation scheme, the following should be considered:
1. Inclusion in a particular customs tariff category
2. Ingredients, composition and use, and whether a product can be regarded as being intended for inclusion in the self-regulation scheme based on this (i.e. similar ingredients as products in a particular customs tariff category)
E.g. Chocolate and sweets, sweet sandwich toppings and fillings and desserts, snacks, drinks, served and take-away meals, ice cream, breakfast cereals, cakes, biscuits and other sweet baked goods, yoghurt, etc.
In the event of a complaint, MFU will make an assessment and take a decision.